Friday, May 11, 2007

College Woes

Well, this school thing might work out and it might now. I had so many aspirations for college, planned for since grade school, always secretly smart, did lots of extracurriculars (even though they weren't that honorable...y6earbook, raze, hats, softball, band...and I sucked at all of them), got great test scores. Planned fo cllege real well, made sure my parents didn'tmake too much money or financial aid, got 2 great 12,500 dollars. Ad what Do I do with this well thought out event in life? I screw it up, like I do every thing else. I decided no o go to my dream school in Shepherdstown, the one I shoveddwn my parent's throats, made them visit at least 3 times, and itbeing 8 hours away, and th on I got the 12500 dollars scholarship to, I passed drumline auditions and as going to be on oneof the greatest drumlines ever, hadt set up to graduate in three years...Guezz I fucked that one up. 2 weeks before classes start I decide to go to Marshall to "stay with Steve". They have nothing on me there, none of my previos college grades, too late to do band, too late to get ay scholarshipsother than promise. To late. I hate that School. I swore up andDown I woldnot go, nomatter what. Well, I'm still here. Back o the story, went to classesfor about 3 months, quit going in October, failed them all. Got kicked out for the spring on accident. They didn't calculate the4.0 I had from my other college. That would've savd me. So now I am going to summer school to jus catch up on that fal semester. I am still a freshman to beat itall. I wanted to succeed. I always let others inadvertantly decide wha I am going to do with mylife. I am an Acounting major because Journalism was a valid major for my parents, The Pay didn't justify the cost of college. I didn't go t my colege because I decided not to due to Steve's lac of intelligence, and Marshall and Concord were the only places he got accepted to. I just feel that my life is run by others. I never think about what is good for me, what good for us or what's best for them. It's a bad habit, I know. But I'm actually a caring person like that. I would give a random stranger my kidneys without thinking of the consequences. I never think. And I can't say no. I'm just nice like that.

Friday, November 17, 2006


This post added later to clarify timelines.

 I broke up with Stephen for Brian, our roommate and Stephen's friend.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Save the Tacos

I find simple joys in life. I will tell you today's story. I was pulling into the garage to park my car, so Steve could go to class. I say to him "I think it's going to rain." This is about 5:50 this afternoon. I grab my waterproof jacket as I get out of my car. I don't think Steve understood me when I told him that it was raining, or he was spaced out, like he does. Anyways, we get to the bottom of the garage and it's raining out. Steve is holding our bag of tacos we had just bought at taco bell. well, it's not rainign hard. we dart across traffic cause I had spaed out crossing the street, and was standing there talking to Steve in the middle of Third Avenue. So, we run over to one of the dorms that has a porch. It's raining like crazy now. Steve makes me put my laptop in his bookbag so it doesn't get wet, because my bookbag is fishnet and has holes in it. Steve is still holding our bag of tacos. I put them under my jacket. My belly was really warm. We walk as fast as we could to the student center. By the time we get there, we are soaked. I am wearing pink pants, and you could totally see my underwear through them. lol. We get under the ledge and shake off to dry a bit. I unzip my jacket and there are the tacos. All i could say was "At least the tacos are dry." Lol. It made my day.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Senior Year

Well, It's a new year and I find myself hating school as bad as ever and I'm not really digging my life either. Okay, it's Thursday afternoon, and I'm sitting in a godforsaken library in Hamlin with a bunch of old ladies who smell like adult diapers. O.o
Anyways...I'm really disliking school. I go for 3 hours. woo. I thought it would be great to have co-op...go to 4 classes then leave. Well, I hate my job, too. Well, it's not that bad, I just hate having to drive to Hamlin everyday just for a lousy 5.25 and hour. -.- School really sucks. There is no way I can possibly get out of AP lit. No way. General Barnett is so out to get me. She is trying every way possible to get me thrown out for my tardiness. ah..hem...I have no been on time but once this year, but it is still not her place to hunt me down and try to turn me in for truancy. Anyways, that's for skipping school. I go to school. I get there in the middle of first, but it is still not her business because she is my third period teacher. We had nominations for miss wildcat today. hooray. I was thinking of running, but Sandy fucked up the whole process. they just made a list of senior girls and we had to vote for someone. what a load of shit. And we don't even have class officers. grr... this school year has gone to crap. the only good thing is there are only 6 people in yearbook class. thank god.

Well, I’ve rattled and lost my train of thought...dammit.