Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Great Scissor Catastrophe of 2013

I haven't sewn anything in a few months, and tonight, I was haunted by one of my vintage patterns. Simplicity #2863 from the 1950s . 

I'm all geared up ready to sew this thang.  I even picked out a really cute lilac satin fabric (it was left over from sewing dresses for my sister's wedding). It's easter time and I have a few nieces that would look adorable in this cute little dress.  

So.... All geared up, my pattern is pressed, my fabric is washed and pressed, the pieces are pinned to the fabric...and then...


Seriously, gone.  I had them not even yesterday while I was working.  So I tear my work area apart, I look behind everything,  I pull out cabinets that haven't been moved in months.  I am on my hands and knees looking with a flashlight behind and under my desk.  I even go through all of my husband's leather working and man tools.  They are nowhere! Up and walked away.  Disappeared.  Poof.

Okay, So I am getting really frustrated at this point.  Well, angry, and poor Brian is trying to stay out of the way of a rampaging redhead.  

Finally, I give and decide that I'll have to use another pair of scissors.  And here's where the real fun begins.

1)  My Paper scissors.  --- Absolutely crap.  They cut paper amazingly.  I couldn't even gnaw with these things.

And here are the other contestants:

 The spare extra pair for random bits.

 The coupon scissors.

The haircut scissors

The kitchen scissors

All of these didn't cut fabric, but I am a stubborn woman, and I will find a pair of scissors to cut this pattern out, TONIGHT.  After some more digging in the kitchen drawers.  These are what I find:

Cheap kids safety scissors probably from when my husband was of the age to use them.  But, guess what, they worked.  And they worked good.  I finally got my pieces cut out, and then I realized that it's really too late to sew, as I have to be at work early in the morning.  So instead, I spent this last half hour writing this funny post.  

That was the great scissor catastrophe of 2013.  Tomorrow, I am going and buying another pair of good fabric scissors, and this time I am going to attach them to the desk with some string, that way I'll never loose them again.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Save the Tacos

I find simple joys in life. I will tell you today's story. I was pulling into the garage to park my car, so Steve could go to class. I say to him "I think it's going to rain." This is about 5:50 this afternoon. I grab my waterproof jacket as I get out of my car. I don't think Steve understood me when I told him that it was raining, or he was spaced out, like he does. Anyways, we get to the bottom of the garage and it's raining out. Steve is holding our bag of tacos we had just bought at taco bell. well, it's not rainign hard. we dart across traffic cause I had spaed out crossing the street, and was standing there talking to Steve in the middle of Third Avenue. So, we run over to one of the dorms that has a porch. It's raining like crazy now. Steve makes me put my laptop in his bookbag so it doesn't get wet, because my bookbag is fishnet and has holes in it. Steve is still holding our bag of tacos. I put them under my jacket. My belly was really warm. We walk as fast as we could to the student center. By the time we get there, we are soaked. I am wearing pink pants, and you could totally see my underwear through them. lol. We get under the ledge and shake off to dry a bit. I unzip my jacket and there are the tacos. All i could say was "At least the tacos are dry." Lol. It made my day.