Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Black Kiss-Lock Purse

After completing Monday's KissLock, I felt I could do better.  What makes everything better? Bigger does. So I made a bigger, rounder, puffier clutch.

I received this fabric for Christmas, and really didn't have a plan for it.  Nothing jumped out at me except for the high contrast colors.  I knew I liked that, and I wanted to play off of that as well.  I started embroidering the black parts with red a few weeks ago, before a clutch was even planned.  Embroidery is hard! Not physically or mentally hard, just dull and I really have to force myself to get in a stupor to do it. I finished what I did because I was feeling mopey and thinking hurt my brain.

While I was out shopping, JoAnn's had this sale going on, and those big black kissers where staring at me from the shelf. How could I resist those shiny plastic bulbs?  And thus I was inspired.  Big black knobs, black and red fabric I have no plans for.  Voila!

I did learn from my previous encounter with metal frames that I needed some poof and some stabilizer.  I returned to my trusty teacher, Google, and was rewarded with this amazingly handy tutorial from Lisa from UHandbag. It's a very good tutorial, easy to follow and to alter to fit my needs.  I really only used steps one and two, but those are the best steps.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kiss Lock Purse Frame Coin Pouch, something interesting?

      New year, new you, blah blah blah. So, in all actuallity it is the new year, and it is the time to try new things and shake it up a bit.  The first bag of the year that I wanted to create, was going to be a challenge. Something small, simple, that is seen everywhere, but how are they made?  I'm talking about the little snap coin pouches, similar to what my greataunt would keep her cigarettes in.  I didn't even know the name of the little frames or where I would begin to start designing a pattern.  I've come to find out that they are called "kiss lock" metal purse frames.  Looks like the little knobs are kissing. Heh. 

          And to start on this adventure, what the first thing that I do? Google it. "Snappy lock frame thingy" didn't really help find a tutorial or anything. But I did find a helpful blog, Sew 4 Home, that had a quick tutorial for something similar in concept.  I admit, I really only used the free pdf pattern and then cut it down, because my frame was way smaller than the tutorial's.

         I am on a red kick lately, so my fabric choice was surprisingly easy.  I don't know what it's called or anything; I received a big box of remnants from Jo-Anns for Christmas. The piece I had was about a 1/4 of a yard, so I couldn't do a big bag or anything. Anyway, perfect fit with the antique brass looking frame.  

Here are the results of about an hour of sewing/cutting/googling.

I think it turned out nice.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stupid Student Loan People

I'm just a tad pissed, so nothing may make sense.

I have consolidated all of my student loans. ALL of them. I have in my possession letters from all companies involved that my obligation to may them is over. I do not owe them ANY money. NONE. ZERO! I only owe my consolidation loan. that's it. period.  SO why is it that SALLIE MAE is still reporting to the National Student Loan Directory people that I owe them money? And that I'm in default? Especially when, I owe them nothing, and they sent me a letter saying I owe them nothing! The debt is paid.  SO, I call them and what do they tell me?  My account has been paid and closed.  And I should direct all questions to my consolidation loan company. THAT DOES NOT FUCKING HELP ME. IT IS SALLIE MAE REPORTING I OWE THEM, NOT MY NEW LOAN. AND THEY CAN'T FIX IT.  SO what does this mean? I'm still INELIGIBLE to receive student aid.  complete and total BULLSHIT.  It's not like I'm ever going back to school, but it still pisses me off. I work my ass off to have a better life. I want to get an education so I'm not working at GINO's for the rest of my stupid life. But let's face it, I'm not going back. It's never going to be financially okay to make myself better.  I'm not ever getting out of this stupid life of poverty.  IT FUCKING SUCKS. I try to fix things, they just get worse. SO fuck it all.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Empire pisses me off while Brian got a Job

Empire Books pisses me off that I go there, looking for a book that is a Mass Market and has just been released recently. They don't have it, they never have any book that I'm looking for. I don't believe I've actually bought anything in about 4 years, I've been in there plenty, with full intentions on spending money there. Nope, they obviously do not want my kind of business. And second, their whole trading policy is a crock. I will not leave my books with you for you to determine their value and then call in a few days to tell me what you will give me in store credit. No, no, and no. I want to trade them now, and I would like to use that credit now. I don't trust you to not loose them and short me. That sounds like an old person, but my books are my life. I don't trust anyone with them. I about have a heart attack when I do loan books out. And it breaks my heart that when they are returned they have been dogeared, laid face down, breaking or stretching their spine. My god, have some respect. So, no I will not trust a random person and business that I have faith in to do their crappy trading. Especially, a rude crappy person who represents their company with poor customer service and that has their nose so far in the air, they are sniffing at god's asshole. So, yea, I'm pissed and I'll just stay at my trusty Borders, where I walk in, pick my book up off the shelf, and purchase it with no attitude or problems.

And Brian has a job, which excites me.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Doctor Brian's Recessive Soul

Alright, I haven't written a new blog with content in ages, sort of been on a hiatus from the interweb with only limited exposure, for the health of my brain.

Alright, this is going to be one big ramble fest and I'll jump to topics as they roam through my head.

First, we are in a recession. Anyone normal knows what that means? Well, I know, but it never really hit me, because Brian and I have been doing so well since it started. We're finally financially independent, both with jobs we love, and the lights are still on, and we still have our own place. My dad has told me a couple of times that we're lucky we have jobs because the economy is crack and there's so many people out there that don't have one and can't get one. I was like oh not around here, it's hard to make the poor poorer. Nope, I got a reality check today. My company has decided to cut jobs. I still have mine, so no one freak out. It's not big like GMC closing an entire plant, but it's still a cut. And what hit me was one of my favorite mangers got laid off. It makes me angry and sad that the company just goes "poof" no more job even though you have dedicated years to this job. Things just have a bigger impact on you when it's closer to home. Yea, that's all I have to say on that.

So, speaking of money, I got the deal of a lifetime yesterday. I bought a mp3 player for one dollar. That's right, a DOLLAR. and it makes me squee. 

And to something else, I am in love with the Doctor. lol. Brian and I are on this Doctor Who kick right now and I've gone all 16 year old fan girl on him. lol. See my layout? and I want a sonic screwdriver. and Props to Micah for a lovely Doctor costume this past Halloween, even though I didn't get it then. Now i do, and bravo to you. LOL. 

Also, I got this book a few weeks ago, and it was CRACK. It's called the Name of the Wind. I really enjoyed this book and I'm counting down the days until the next one is released in April. Kvothe is my new fav book character. He has red hair. Finally a redheaded hero. I'm tired of stereotypes of anger and rage and evil and gods. 

Which brings me to my next subject. I am very happy that I am a redhead. It's an essential part of me. I oddly enjoy reading the stats that 6-8% of Americans have red hair. Makes me unique. I know in this area there are several redheads, but that's due to our regional ancestry. But in other places, it's very uncommon. I'm not rightly sure on my family's heritage, and that's something I'd like to find out. It'd be a fun adventure.

So another topic, since I haven't really voiced anything on what happened in January. I feel that adequate time has passed and I can speak with less emotion. It was all a fluke, a rush of emotions with an unclear head. I thought I had to seek out others to love me because I didn't feel comfortable with my own husband. And it was my fault. I know Brian like no one else ever will, and I was irationally scared to open up to him. I am glad that I conquered my fear. That Brian is my best friend, my husband, my constant companion, and will be the father of my children (funny noses and all). He is my other half, my soulmate (if that what you want to call it), and it was never anything he did or didn't do. My problem was with myself, and you can't break up with yourself, I know I tried. Once we worked it through, he helped me come to terms with myself, and I have let go of my past. I can appreciate the good times and the memories, and now I know those things are best left in the past. Something new cannot be something old (just like Amy says). LOL. Now, I think we are at the best we've ever been, and I'm glad of that. I finally understand what true love it. Thank you, my love.

And which brings me to other crazy thoughts. I don't think souls exsist. Okay, so one guy may have proven that when a person dies they loose 3/4 of an oz in weight. Supposedly that's the soul leaving the body. But no, souls don't exist. Conscious energy does not exist. Energy is energy, it does not have thoughts. Thoughts are neuron firings in the brain, which make thought energy. But they cannot exist in a freeform state with out a nervous system. So it's absurd for me to think that if i die, I am going to be floating around in my energy gas with thoughts running trough me. That I have this magical thing inside me that can identify the person I am going supposed to be with forever, that through my actions I can condemn my soul to eternity in an unpleasant place or let it enjoy the rapture of peace. Ok, so my thoughts are this. There's no god, devil, heaven, hell, souls. When we die, that's it. We're dead. The chemicals in our bodies that cause conscious thought and intellect and personality is extinguished. Dead, that's it. You cease to exist. Your body returns to the earth eventually. But you are nothing anymore, just memories. Okay, so that was a long rant thing.

So that's my newly updated blog. Yay.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I got married today.

This post added later to clarify timelines.

Brian and I got married today.

Friday, May 11, 2007

College Woes

Well, this school thing might work out and it might now. I had so many aspirations for college, planned for since grade school, always secretly smart, did lots of extracurriculars (even though they weren't that honorable...y6earbook, raze, hats, softball, band...and I sucked at all of them), got great test scores. Planned fo cllege real well, made sure my parents didn'tmake too much money or financial aid, got 2 great 12,500 dollars. Ad what Do I do with this well thought out event in life? I screw it up, like I do every thing else. I decided no o go to my dream school in Shepherdstown, the one I shoveddwn my parent's throats, made them visit at least 3 times, and itbeing 8 hours away, and th on I got the 12500 dollars scholarship to, I passed drumline auditions and as going to be on oneof the greatest drumlines ever, hadt set up to graduate in three years...Guezz I fucked that one up. 2 weeks before classes start I decide to go to Marshall to "stay with Steve". They have nothing on me there, none of my previos college grades, too late to do band, too late to get ay scholarshipsother than promise. To late. I hate that School. I swore up andDown I woldnot go, nomatter what. Well, I'm still here. Back o the story, went to classesfor about 3 months, quit going in October, failed them all. Got kicked out for the spring on accident. They didn't calculate the4.0 I had from my other college. That would've savd me. So now I am going to summer school to jus catch up on that fal semester. I am still a freshman to beat itall. I wanted to succeed. I always let others inadvertantly decide wha I am going to do with mylife. I am an Acounting major because Journalism was a valid major for my parents, The Pay didn't justify the cost of college. I didn't go t my colege because I decided not to due to Steve's lac of intelligence, and Marshall and Concord were the only places he got accepted to. I just feel that my life is run by others. I never think about what is good for me, what good for us or what's best for them. It's a bad habit, I know. But I'm actually a caring person like that. I would give a random stranger my kidneys without thinking of the consequences. I never think. And I can't say no. I'm just nice like that.