Thursday, September 8, 2016

End of Summer

It is that time of year again, the end of the summer.

My summer was actually good. I enjoyed another season working for the park. The job itsself wasn't as fun as last year, because I was in the office this year. I missed the sunshine and I missed being able to roam about the park. But, overall it was swell.  I am being kept beyond Labor Day, which is a good thing, I'll take part time work over no work. What made the summer better was that my husband was also hired at the park as the naturalist. He was the guy entertaining the thousands of guests we have

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Broken Uterus

I left my position of manager and returned to working for the State Parks, in an office position this time.  I was super excited for it. I loved my job there last year, and I am/was looking forward to another season of travelers, wanderers, and wildlife.  The idea of going back for another season was one I had been playing with for a few months.  I know I don't enjoy managing. I didn't enjoy a 50 hour a week job, and I knew I could only do it for so long.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Ever get this feeling of just restlessness in your life? Nothing is good. Nothing makes you happy. You can't make even simple decisions? Where you want so much more, but are just stuck? Unhappy with most aspects of your life? Feel like nothing you do will make a difference in your life? Feel like you are working so hard for nothing? Feel like you can't meaningfully connect with the people you are supposed to be the closest with?
Me neither.

It's time to up my meds again, I think. Drug myself out so much that I don't care anymore, again.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Adulting sucks

So I dropped out of college. I worked so hard to get back in, to pay off my debt, and to work my way out of probation, and I quit. I keep telling myself there wasn't any other option. I had to. I am the sole financial support of my family and we were on the verge of losing what little we had to lose.